Hi there!... Would you believe that this is all mine? Yes... Apparently it's not... This is my articles all about anythings that I like to watch, enjoys and reviews... I dedicated this blog to maestros that aspires me and I adores in the fictions world... A Honorable genuine honesty testimonials if I say so myself...

And why it's only 5?... I think a little too much's too many... Don't you think? Less is more is better... right? Number 5 is almost in the middle of number 1 to 10. I like to be differ... So here it is some of my favorites choices in none particular order... Please be relax and enjoy! LET THE RIDES BEGIN!

Tuesday, January 21, 2020



Opposite attraction of dread is something we adore of... 
It's something we like to put it on our laps, 
strokes and caress it furry coats, 
admire it beauty though it was created 
with bigger eyes and ears, 
tiny hand and small figure... 
We ever wonders why it's bore so much  
magical cuteness as a lovable puppet we like to hugs...
Luckily I've captured more than 5... And it's breeding...

(Credited all images from various E-sources)
Gremlins Gizmo Mogwai

It begin in the 80's... A mystical humming feline defined by 3 rules... 
No bright light, don't intact with water... And the most vital one...
Never give it supper after midnight... Or it'll metamorphosed into an evil,
incarnation playful gremlin spawning to breed havoc and chaos overnight...


One of Star Wars's epic tales inhabited in the forest moon of Endor...
A furry teddy bear like creatures distinguished as primitive warriors 
spoken in mongolish chatter... Before you treat them as a pet be assured 
that you're a good storyteller and please beware for a lot of trapped... 
Tamed them with candy bar and you might end up as their worshiper...


It's a cat mastery in swordplay and wearing a pair of oversize boots... 
Stylishly with musketeer hat in gallantly 'Don Juan' manner 
competent of melted all the girls...
Standard diet of milk and fishes to keep revives 
only weakness is a laser pointer...
Watch out for the pussy eyes or you may entrances by it possessive force...


POKEMON cited as 'Pocket Monster'... 
various kind of animated being 
 that can be kept inside a Pokeball after you tamed it...
There's one famous Pokemon treated as a partner 
sided on the shoulder of a boy named Ash Kechum...
Pikatchu is a yellow pika-like mammal empower with electrifying energy...
Together they ventured in wild adventures and comedy along the way...
Competing in diverse tournaments as who's the best 
pokemon master and respective trainer!


A prickly bluestreak species than run faster than lightning...
Wearing a worn-out snickers originated from other dimension 
dwelled on Earth escaping from other spiny creatures...
With it bag of magic ring he befriended a policeman and notice by 
an evil genius  Doctor Robotnik simply to catch it for the labrat...
And this is just the beginning of a beautiful chapter...


What's Minion?... It should mean a kind of servant, helpful and cater...
What if it's yellow, pill-like shaped, short-sighted or gawky in nature?...
Utter like gibberish mixed of international words you could interpreted 
some of it but mostly just babbling speech sweet to our ears... 
Don't you want to have them?

Baby Groot

In Marvel's Universe you'll meet a lot of fascinating characters...
 Starting off in comic and now become motion picture blockbusters 
all over the world... One of the esteemed group 'Guardian of the Galaxy'
have one of the unique character dwell from wood... 
A reincarnation from a total rack rebirth 
a new kind of branch in totally cuteness overload...
Watch it grows from a pot into teenage rages 
with only a few understandably words 'I AM GROOT'!...

Baby Yoda/The Child

Internet's latest sensation... 
Another Star Wars's creation suddenly become instant hit phenomenon...
If you thought 50 years old still considered as infant 
then this's the kind of baby you can fondled of...
Wanted by all type of bounties well protected by a Mandalorian 
as the guardian wandered around the galaxies
searching for descent and multi tasking... 

Sort of 'Lone Wolf and Cub' if you read the manga...
But don't be affected by it cuteness as the green, 
dilated ears likely to eat frog as a game already possessed
the force within him(?) able to lift weighty object or choke you 
unexpectedly and sleep all day... The escapade continue...

others cuteness...
STITCH, DIGIMON, Cj7, A lot of Star Wars creatures..

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